Burglary and Theft Charges Acquitted

A client charged with first degree felony of Burglary and a third degree felony of Theft by Unlawful Taking was recently acquitted thanks to the knowledge and commitment of partner, Tom Will. Serious charges like these need serious attention. First degree felony burglary can carry a jail sentence of up to twenty years in the state of Pennsylvania. Theft can range from […]

Associate Amanda DeMello on KDKA News for Pup-Nups

Our own Amanda DeMello appeard on KDKA News this evening for her expertise on a story about Pup-Nups. Pup-nups are pet pre-nuptial agreements that arrange for what happens with pets if a couple divorces. Though pets may be a part of the family, they are not treated as children by the courts but as property. Pet custody is an issue […]